Shop and Purchase 3D Models
We have used our 3D Online Product Configuration Service to sign up a number of demo shops and prepared some 3D products in the demo shops.
As a simulated customer, you can click on the products and have the 3D Configure and Buy experience which takes you through choosing materials, colours, etc., viewing the products from different angles and zoom sizes, and simulating the buying process by placing mock orders to the products.
For businesses with products on your own e-commerce websites, you may use the demo products to get the idea of how your products could be prepared for 3D configuration. You may consider signing up for a free Subscriber account and giving your products a try. You may contact us about how it could be done to enhance your e-commerce websites.
For businesses with products by not yet have e-commerce websites, you may also signup for a free Subscriber account so you could prepare your products for 3D configuration. You may then consider letting us list your 3D configurable products on our e-commerce shopping pages to use our online ordering and payment processes. You may also contact us about setting up e-commerce websites for your businesses too.
Customisable Book £15.00
From Demo Book Shop

You can change the colours and textures used for different components of the product. The text can have its font, colour, and content customised. The logo and polygon colours can be changed, too.
Colour Configurable Skirt £20.00
From Demo Cloths Shop

You can see the 3D details of the skirt and choose a colour. The colour of the logo can also be changed.
Forest Spirit £1.00
From Demo Toy Shop

License: Royalty Free License
You can pick from a range of colours for different components of the product. The text can have its font, colour, and content customised. The polygon’s colour can be changed, too.